Include Cyber-Attack Risk In Your Disaster Recovery Plan This Computer Security Day

Posted By on November 30th, 2019

Today, the 30th November is Computer Security Day. Originally beginning in 1988, the aim of computer security day is to raise awareness about computer security. And this could be no more important than it is today with the significant rise in cyber-attacks taking place against businesses of all sizes. As well as the increased focus that […]

A Storm Is Coming. And Your Business Must Be Prepared.

Posted By on November 26th, 2019

In recent years the weather that we have been seeing in the UK (and across the world) has become increasingly more unpredictable. Coupled with this, weather events have also become more extreme. Extreme and unpredictable weather can pose a significant risk to businesses of all sizes. Flooding Cold weather events e.g. the ‘Beast from the […]

Why Emerging Risks Are Increasing the Importance Of Having Business Interruption Insurance

Posted By on November 20th, 2019

An unfortunate part of doing business is the number of risks that you will face. This can be particularly apparent for SMEs who may not feel they have the resources to prepare against all of the possible risks to their business continuity. Coupled with this, new risks are constantly emerging which can throw up new uncertainties.  One […]

Don’t Let A Bad Day Affect Your Business Continuity

Posted By on November 19th, 2019

The 19th November is Have a Bad Day Day. The idea behind the day is to encourage people to embrace the fact that they are having a bad day.  At First Recovery we know that everyone has a bad day from time to time. And when it comes to running a business this is no different. […]

Winter Risk Factors That Your Disaster Recovery Plan Must Include

Posted By on November 13th, 2019

Now that we are in November, winter is nearly upon us. So, there is no better time to check that your disaster recovery plan includes all of the possible winter risk factors that your business may face. What are the winter specific risk factors your business may face? Winter brings with it some very unique […]

Why Your Business Must Learn From The Impact Of Flooding

Posted By on November 8th, 2019

Flooding can be one of the most devastating things to happen to a property. Whether that be your business premises or your home. Water damage can cause irreparable damage to possessions and have far reaching consequences for the building itself.  For a business it can mean significant interruption to your business continuity whilst you undergo […]

Why People Management Is Vital To Business Continuity

Posted By on November 6th, 2019

The 6th November is Stress Awareness Day. Established by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA), the aim is to provide people with information on stress and strategies on how to address it. With this in mind we wanted to take a look at the importance of people management to business continuity. The theme of this year’s […]